Diary of a modern day pioneer couple

Upon James' brilliant idea that he was bored and needed to build something like a house, garage and stables, we sold our 100 acre farm between Goulburn and Marulan and bought a 200 acre farm between Gundaroo and Collector, just outside of Canberra. We are now living on the new farm in a caravan with no electricity, no sewerage and no running water! This is our story. James and Tracey

Location: Gundaroo, New South Wales, Australia

Thursday, July 27, 2006

We've been framed!!

Yes, we finally have a frame up for the shed. After the downpour we've had this week, it was doubtful as to whether the frame would go up this week or not. Thankfully, the weather has held off and the shed guys came out and have got the frame up in one day. They will be putting the walls and roof on today and the guttering on Friday. This is why we decided to get someone else to put the shed up - they can do it faster than what we can! We are planning on lining the shed this weekend and hopefully have it in a state to move into next weekend.

The little portable gas cooktop that James got for his birthday has something wrong with it. We've been using to cook our "dinner in a can" on Mondays and Tuesdays when the pub isn't open for dinner. Even though we do have a gas cooktop and oven in the caravan, they don't work properly so we've been using the portable cooktop. However, it's not putting out much of a flame and takes ages to heat up. Oh well. Once we move into the shed we will be able to use the big gas oven and cooktop that Uncle Ian and Aunty Margaret have lent us. We've missed being able to cook in an oven. We never realised just how many foods out there need an oven! That's why the good old "dinner in a can" has been great - and even yummy, if you can believe that!

With the cold weather we've been having, we certainly haven't missed having a fridge. We've been using the esky to keep some food and drink in and keeping it outside. We do have a large gas fridge and once we move into the shed we'll be able to use that.

As you can probably tell, we're looking forward to moving out of the caravan and into the shed.


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