Diary of a modern day pioneer couple

Upon James' brilliant idea that he was bored and needed to build something like a house, garage and stables, we sold our 100 acre farm between Goulburn and Marulan and bought a 200 acre farm between Gundaroo and Collector, just outside of Canberra. We are now living on the new farm in a caravan with no electricity, no sewerage and no running water! This is our story. James and Tracey

Location: Gundaroo, New South Wales, Australia

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Well, what an exciting week we've had this week. We used the gas oven for the very first time!! We did have to keep the little oven door open slightly so that the flame didn't go out, but it does mean that we can cook stuff that you cook in an oven now. Oh, the recipes are just endless :)

We're still digging external trenches (well, when we say "we", we mean James). He's almost finished and will be glad to hand the jackhammer back to the concreter. Manually digging through solid rock is pretty hard work he reckons.

And that's about it so far.


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